Monthly Archive: October 2016


Hadoop Hive UDTF Tutorial – Extending Apache Hive with Table Functions

Source: Author: Matthew Rathbone Co-author: Elena Akhmatova   Article Hadoop Hive UDTF Tutorial – Extending Apache Hive with Table Functions While working with both Primitive types and Embedded Data Structures was discussed in part one, the UDF interfaces are limited to...


Hadoop mapreduce not working on mac local setup

Yarn jobs hangs on local mac environment Missing node in Resource manager UI There are no nodes in the node list File: yarn-site.xml Location: /usr/local/Cellar/hadoop/2.7.3/libexec/etc/hadoop/yarn-site.xml <property> <name>yarn.resourcemanager.hostname</name> <value>localhost</value> </property>   Resource Manager UI displaying ipv6 for local address Hadoop does...


How to create a Hive UDF in Scala

Source:   This article will focus on creating a custom HIVE UDF in the Scala programming language. Intellij IDEA 2016 was used to create the project and artifacts. Creation and testing of the UDF was performed on the Hortonworks...


Permanently add jars to hadoop

Looking to add custom SerDe and custom or third party codecs to Hortonworks HDP? Only auxlib folder trick worked for me after having tried lot of alternatives. The places where we need to add that auxlib folder containing JARs is,...


Best practices for Namenode and Datanode restarts

Problems Following are some problems we might come across while working in a large setup of hadoop clusters, Namenode restarts taking long time (http://nn-host:50070/dfshealth.html#tab-startup-progress) Namenode startup goes to safemode for a long time after restart   Best practices for Namenode &...


Local DNS for development environment on Mac

At times we need to setup local development domains for our test environment. I use it to maintain a local copy of my hosted website. It is very convenient to make changes to local and then export to hosted website...