Tagged: administration


Cluster filesystem utilization alerts

This is a quick and raw method to setup alerts when the filesystem fill above threshold. Pre-requisites Monitored filesystems should be consistent, meaning available across all nodes passwordless ssh should be setup between the nodes. Node where the alert script...


Automate ports connectivity check using telnet and timeout

Check ports connectivity using automation with telnet and timeout commands. Timeout will help us not get blocked for a long time. Adjust the timeout value on case to case basis, # vi ~/check_my_server_hostname.sh timeout 2 bash -c “echo ‘exit’ |...


Hadoop like a PRO

Lookup yarn queue of a user from bash This bash function will lookup capacity scheduler XML and return queues for the user getYarnQueue() { grep $1 -B 1 /etc/hadoop/conf/capacity-scheduler.xml | awk -F’.’ ‘/name/{print $(NF-1)}’ } Works on Hortonworks HDP. Usage:...


Moving a host component from one host to another

NOTE ­ It is not safe to move components like Journal node or Zookeeper. This method is to be used only for components like Storm, Kafka , Falcon or Flume etc. Following steps would help in moving components from one Node...


Moving JournalNode service from one machine to another

In case you would like to move JournalNode service to another host, here are the steps to do so: Put HDFS in safemode su ­ hdfs ­c ‘hdfs dfsadmin ­fs hdfs://<active node>:8020 ­safemode enter’ Execute a save namespace of the...


Troubleshooting Hadoop services

Hive Lookup what killed Hive server $ grep –color=always -nr -B 1 ‘Exception|Service:HiveServer2 is started|java.lang.OutOfMemoryError’ /var/log/hive/hiveserver2.log | less -N Above command looks up the log file for exceptions and startup of hive and print one line above the search term....


Fixing large mysql ibdata1 resulting from ranger audits

Table Partitioning in MySQL: (Version 5.1.6 or above) Note: Before starting backup/restore please stop all running application which usage XA_ACCESS_AUDIT table. this will be help for keeping snapshot of XA_ACCESS_AUDIT for particular timestamp. Table Partitioning in MySQL:- Partitioned tables created...


How to Map a Domain Name to a Hosting Account

How to Map a Domain Name to a Hosting Account Two most essential things that you need to get started with your own website are a valid domain name and a web hosting account. Domain name with .com, .net, .org...