Tagged: hdinsight


Use SSH Tunneling to access Ambari web UI, ResourceManager, JobHistory, NameNode, Oozie, and other web UI’s

Source: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/hdinsight-linux-ambari-ssh-tunnel/ Original Author: Larry Franks Excerpts ssh tunnel command ssh -C2qTnNf -D 9876 user-name@machine-name This creates a connection that routes traffic to local port 9876 to the cluster over SSH. The options are: D 9876 – The local port that will route...


hadoop randomwriter not reading configuration file

So with randomwriter sample, you want to write data less than 10 GB. You have searched all around the net but have not found the solution and almost gave up? :p Ok, so I am sharing what worked for me....


About HDInsight

Otey: Right; this is the new Windows version of Hadoop that you implemented either on-premise[s] or in Azure as a service? Leland (Microsoft): Yes; so HDInsight for Windows is the on-premise[s] implementation that was announced at Strata. So now our customers broadly...


Multinode HDInsight cluster

 Espen S 5 Points Sign In to Vote I’ve setup HDInsight to work with multiple nodes in a lab environment. (Meaning I’ve ignored security etc. And there’s no easy way to control the start-up and shutdown of the nodes in the cluster) Setting up...


HDInsight on Windows: Building PowerPivot Report from Hive in a Few Easy Steps

Misc: 32 bit ODBC on 64 bit windows – c:\windows\syswow64\odbcad32.exe   Source: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/karang/archive/2013/01/04/hdinsight_2d00_on_2d00_windows_2d00_building_2d00_powerpivot_2d00_report_2d00_from_2d00_hive_2d00_in_2d00_a_2d00_few_2d00_easy_2d00_steps.aspx Karan Gulati (SSAS Maestro) 4 Jan 2013 3:20 PM 0 What are we Covering: Hive Create table Load Data Query Data Configure ODBC Create PowerPivot With DataSource as HDInsight Import...



Resources Getting started – http://blogs.msdn.com/b/windowsazure/archive/2012/10/24/getting-started-with-windows-azure-hdinsight-service.aspx Running map-reduce jobs – http://gettingstarted.hadooponazure.com/hw/mapReduce.html Dev resources – http://andyelastacloud.azurewebsites.net/?tag=hdinsight (coming up)   Misc Setting up an offline shadow copy of HDInsight (Reference: http://adhocshare.blogspot.in/2012/12/offline-installation-of-products-on-web.html) Steps: > webpicmd /Offline /Products:HDINSIGHT-PREVIEW /Path:D:\HDInsight.setup > WebPICmd.exe /Install /Products:HDINSIGHT-PREVIEW /XML:D:\HDInsight.setup\feeds\shadow-webproductlist.xml Related posts: HDInsight on Windows: Building...


Hadoop on Azure: An Introduction

  I am in complete awe on how this technology is resonating with today’s developers. If I invite developers for an evening event, Big Data is always a sellout. This particular post is about getting everyone up to speed about...