Tagged: productivity


Excel lookup master list to find missing or found records

Something like below will help in finding a value in a master list and report if the input is missing or found in the master list. Sample =IF(ISNA(MATCH(C2,A2:A15,0)), “Missing”, “Found”) Format =IF(ISNA(MATCH(value,array,0)), “Missing”, “Found”)   References Related posts: Excel –...


AWK Syntax

AWK syntax: awk [-Fs] “program” [file1 file2…] # commands come from DOS cmdline awk ‘program{print “foo”}’ file1 # single quotes around double quotes # NB: Don’t use single quotes alone if the embedded info will contain the # vertical bar...


Chart of similar operations with sed and awk

Chart of similar operations with sed and awk ——————————————– string ====== sed “s/from/to/” awk ‘{sub(“from”,”to”); print}’ sed “s/from/to/g” awk ‘{gsub(“from”,”to”); print}’ sed “s/from/to/3” awk ‘{$0=gensub(“from”,”to”,3); print}’ regex ===== sed “s/reg.*$/_&_/” awk ‘{sub(/reg.*$/, “_&_”); print}’ sed “s/reg[ex]/YY/g” awk ‘{gsub(/reg[ex]/, “YY”); print}’...


awk one liners

HANDY ONE-LINE SCRIPTS FOR AWK 30 April 2008 Compiled by Eric Pement – eric [at] pement.org version 0.27 Latest version of this file (in English) is usually at: http://www.pement.org/awk/awk1line.txt This file will also be available in other languages: Chinese -...


awk one liners (old)

————————————————————————- HANDY ONE-LINERS FOR AWK (Unix stream editor) Apr. 17, 2001 compiled by Eric Pement <[email protected]> version 0.1 Latest version of this file is usually at: http://www.student.northpark.edu/pemente/awk/awk1line.txt USAGE: Unix: awk ‘/pattern/ {print “$1”}’ # standard Unix shells DOS/Win: awk ‘/pattern/...


Local DNS for development environment on Mac

At times we need to setup local development domains for our test environment. I use it to maintain a local copy of my hosted website. It is very convenient to make changes to local and then export to hosted website...


brew packages and cask packages

brew packages Basic Apps $ brew install bash $ brew install bash-completion $ brew install maven $ brew install openssl $ brew install ssh-copy-id $ brew install wget $ brew install gawk Big data Apps $ brew install hadoop $...


Setting up password-less ssh across all nodes in a cluster

Pre-requisites User account for which passwordless ssh will be setup, should be present on all nodes Password of the account should be same across all nodes pdsh and ssh-copy-id commands should be available Prepare 2 files file_of_hosts.txt – containing all...


iTerm shell integration

Important – iTerm shell integration Shell integration should be installed on all remote hosts Connections to non standard ssh port (other than 22) can be setup in ~/.ssh/config. Format below Host www.adhocshare.tk HostName Port 10527   Iterm2 bash prompt...


A nice .vimrc

Using the settings below will add colors to vi editor, change the tabstops to 4 and adds more niceness. This is how my .vimrc looks like. filetype plugin indent on ” show existing tab with 4 spaces width set number...